SINCE 1955
We design, build, finance and operate
Selected projects of Bouygues Construction in Hong Kong & Macao
Hang Hau MTR Station and Tunnels
Government Quarters at West Kowloon
Government Quarters at Lai King
The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Les Saisons
KCRC - Tai Lam Tunnel
KCRC - Kwai Tsing Tunnels
Public Housing Projects -
Tseung Kwan O & Aldrich Bay -
Tseung Kwan O - Primary and Secondary Schools
French International School Extension
Cathay Pacific Headquarters
HAECO Maintenance Hangars
Cathay Pacific
Catering Centre -
Route 3 - Country
Park Section -
Rambler Channel Rail Bridge
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Extension
Centralised Government Godown
Cheung Tsing Tunnel
and Viaducts -
Central Reclamation - Phase I
Rambler Channel Bridge
Happy Valley Racecourse Redevelopment
Hong Kong Stadium Redevelopment
Kai Tak Airport Taxiway Bridge
City University of Hong Kong - Phase II
Cityplaza - Phases III & IV
Modern Terminals Warehouse - Phase II