Corporate Social Responsibility
As part of our long-term commitment to building a sustainable city, a dedicated CSR Committee was established by Dragages Hong Kong and 2 other associated companies (BYME and VSL) to provide joint supports to 4 target service groups and special charity projects.
To support the Committee’s work, a CSR fund, is set up to finance the CSR-related projects that are identified and approved by the Committee.
Thanks to our passionate volunteers, our CSR efforts are highly recognized by service parties and NGO organizations. We strive to dedicate our love and warmth to the people in need in the society.
Dragages Volunteers packing Epidemic Prevention Bags to be distributed to construction workers
Dragages Volunteers packing Epidemic Prevention Bags to be distributed to construction workers
Food Donation Activity
One of the Dragages Volunteers was recognized for his volunteering works
An award from the Construction Industry Volunteer Award Scheme 2019
Our Volunteer Team at the Construction Industry Volunteer Award Scheme Ceremony 2019
Dragages Volunteers at the Brighten Children's Home Program 2019
Dragages Volunteers at the Brighten Children's Home Program 2019
Tea gathering of Brighten Children's Home Program 2019
Distributing Epidemic Prevention Bags to the Neighborhood Advice-Action Council
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - A Mentoring Program to provide young students coaching on career planning
Build the Future Program - Job taster program for secondary school students in the construction field
Build the Future Program - Secondary School Students learning how to use Engineering Design Software
Build the Future Program - Visiting SCL1128 project
Build the Future Program - Visiting SCL1128 project
Build the Future Program - Safety Training
Build the Future Program - Secondary School Students learning how to use Engineering Design Software
Build the Future Program - Secondary School Students presenting their learning results
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Students trying to put on PPE
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - A Mentoring Program to provide young students coaching on career planning
Life Buddies Mentoring Program
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Dragages Volunteers sharing with students on career choices
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - students experiencing BIM technology with VR device
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Mock Job Interview
Life Buddies Mentoring Program
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Sharing from our Managing Director
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Students visiting Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Students visiting Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Dining Etiquette Workshop
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Dining Etiquette Workshop
Life Buddies Mentoring Program - Students visiting Dragages Head Office
Outing with Elderly to Wetland Park & Hang Heung Cake Factory
Outing with Elderly to Wetland Park & Hang Heung Cake Factory
Dragages Volunteers knitting for elderly before visiting them at home
Dragages Volunteers preparing food for elderly before visiting them at home
Dragages Volunteers prepared food and scarves before visiting the elder at home
Dragages Volunteer fixing lights for the elderly
Dragages Volunteers before visiting the elder at home
Poon Choi Feast for Elderly at Tai O
Visiting Hong Kong Maritime Musuem with the Elderly
Visiting Hong Kong Maritime Musuem with the Elderly
Visiting the Elderly in 2019
Visiting the Elderly in 2019
Poon Choi Feast
Mid-autumn Festival Celebration with the Elderly
Mid-autumn Festival Celebration with the Elderly
Distributing Epidemic Prevention Bags for TWGHS Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex
Dragages Volunteers playing game with students of Hong Chi Association
Dragages Volunteers playing soccer game with students of Hong Chi Association
Dragages Volunteers attending briefing before the FSMA Party
FSMA Party at Hong Kong Disneyland
FSMA Party at Hong Kong Disneyland
Dragages Volunteers accompany students of Hong Chi Association in the Hong Kong Disneyland
Dragages provided complimentary Green Card training to graduates of Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School
Dragages Volunteers relocating the green roof at Hong Chi Morninghope School (Tuen Mun)
Dragages Volunteers cleaning the campus of Hong Chi Morninghope School (Tuen Mun)
Soap Recycling Activity
Soap Recycling Activity
Soap Recycling Activity
Soap Recycling Activity
WWF Gardening Workshop
WWF Gardening Workshop
WWF Gardening Workshop
WWF Gardening Workshop
WWF Gardening Workshop
Sharing the same commitment as the Government and industrial associations to show its care for the local community, Dragages Hong Kong continued to support the Construction Industry Charity Concert in 2017 by donating HK$500,000
Some 25 runners – a mix of Dragages Hong Kong colleagues, their family members and friends – participated in the “Construction Industry 2017 Happy Run cum Carnival
Dragages Hong Kong staff ran a combined 491 laps in the Lighthouse Club Lap Dog Challenge 2018 and raised around HK$92,800 for the organisation
1,308 laps completed with 2 karts in the 32nd Annual Hong Kong Charity 24 Hour Pedal Kart Grand Prix 2018 and around HK$174,400 raised for the charities
Staff’s participation and personal donations of HK$25,000 for the 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race was fully matched by Dragages, bringing the sponsored total to HK$50,000
Dragages donated HK$24,000 in sponsorship of a four-member staff team that participated in the Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Charitable Trust (FSMA) Charity Golf Day
Dragages shows its support for FSMA’s annual gathering held in Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel with a HK$50,000 sponsorship
A total of 17 flag bags were quickly filled, raising HK$17,006 for our charity partner Hong Chi Association
Dragages employees participate in a Charity Climb in Mount Kinabalu
Dragages Volunteers at the Hong Chi Charity Run
Charity Sale in the Dragages Office for Hong Chi Association
CIC Happy Run 2020
Celebration Party of Dragages Volunteers
Sensory Garden inaugurated in October 2017
Sensory Garden CSR team received the “Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Project – Gold Award” from the Committee of Construction Industry Sports and Volunteering Programme (CISVP)
A Sensory Garden built in three years by our volunteers
Dragages Hong Kong designs and builds a Sensory Garden for children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities by stimulating all five senses in four garden zones
Dragages Hong Kong designs and builds a Sensory Garden for children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities by stimulating all five senses in four garden zones
Our staff designed fun ways to incorporate recycled materials, and students contributed drawings to the space-themed garden.
Our staff designed fun ways to incorporate recycled materials, and students contributed drawings to the space-themed garden.
Volunteers created an eight-color rainbow fence at the Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School
Our volunteers built a 30 sqm planter box with bricks, creating the Sensory Garden’s first green corner