Hong Kong’s First Double TBM Breakthrough takes place in TMCLK
12 March 2019
Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section (TMCLK) project has successfully reached an important milestone on 27th February 2019 with the dual breakthrough of the Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) at the Southern Landfall. This marks the completion of the 5-km long dual two-lane sub-sea tunnel boring works.
These two identical mix-shield TBMs with a diameter of 14 metres, have excavated approximately 2.8 million m3 of material and installed around 43,000 lining segments. Apart from the twin TBMs, another TBM, which is the largest in the world with a 17.6-m diameter, was also used for the northbound tunnel at the Northern Landfall. During this 4-year TBM operation to construct the deepest sub-sea tunnel in Hong Kong, the project team has overcome many technical challenges arising from the complex geotechnical condition and high water pressure. The project team has applied several in-house innovative measures to build the Hong Kong’s deepest sub-sea tunnel, which are MOBYDIC, SNAKE, TELEMACH and Saturation Diving. These innovations have earned recognition across the construction industry.
Upon completion, the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link will serve as an alternative route to the airport, while shortening the traveling time between Tuen Mun South and the Airport from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. The Link will also strengthen the cross-boundary network between Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen and Zhuhai by connecting the Northwest New Territories, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Hong Kong International Airport and North Lantau.