Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road goes beyond limit
10 August 2016
2 major milestones achieved in July / August 2016
Since 2012, Dragages Hong Kong and VSL have been joining hands with their partner to build this world’s longest bridge over the sea. The 9.4-km long Hong Kong Link Road will form part of the 42km Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, a vital link to enhance connectivity between Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland – in particular the Pearl River West. Upon the completion of this new land transport link, commuters will take only some 45 minutes to go to Zhuhai from the Hong Kong Airport – compared to 4 hours at present.
25 – 29 July – Going beyond the Limit
The 150m-long launching girder (launching girder No.2 – LG2) successfully launched to Pier 16 (P16). Such represents going through the highest point of the bridge – the main navigation channel made up by 3 consecutive 150m spans –The launch symbolises the successful breakthrough of going beyond the limit of airport height restrictions.
Completion of Land Viaduct Structures
In the same month, launching girder No. 1 also completed its mission on the land viaduct. On 4 August, some 250 people joined the celebration of the Land Viaduct Structures Completion Ceremony. Our client (Highways Department), supervising officer (ARUP), working partners and project team members all gathered on the bridge deck to witness this milestone achievement.
In the speech delivered by Chan Man (Project Director of DCVJV), Chan emphasised that, “Our appreciation goes to our construction team members who have worked for more than 12 million man-hours since 2012. They have been working under some of the toughest conditions – spanning from rough seas to fierce sun and cold weather. While working under tough conditions, SAFETY is always on the top of our agenda.”